Tuesday, December 9, 2008


Welcome to the blog for the Cork Street Buildings residents' group.  Cork Street Buildings refers to Cameron Street, Eugene Street, Fingal Street, Maxwell Street and Darley's Terrace - off Cork Street in Dublin 8.

Here's a map of the streets:-

This blog is supplemented by a Google Group - which you can sign up to here.

The intention behind this community group is fourfold:-
  1. To identify and solve local issues.
  2. To work together to make improvements to the area
  3. To help the residents of the area to get to know one another.
  4. To provide a unified point of contact for Dublin City Council and local politicians.


Chispa said...

This is great. Lovely to have our own space, and I'm looking forward to meeting my neighbours, both virtually and in real life!

Carol from Darley's Terrace

cli said...

Never blog much normally but now we have this I intend to start! Its great to have so much relevant info for us all- thanks