Thursday, July 16, 2009

Temporary closure of Darley’s Terrace from its junction with Donore Avenue

From the Dublin City Council website:-

Under Section 75 of the Roads Act 1993, the Council is considering authorising temporary closure of Darley’s Terrace from its junction with Donore Avenue from 10th August 2009 - 5th March 2010 (entire period). The temporary closure is to facilitate construction of apartments and associated works.

During the time of the closure, the following route diversion will apply:

  • The south entrance to Darley’s Terrace is to be opened prior to the closure of the north entrance. Bollards are to be removed by the Dublin City Council Traffic Dept (DCCTP). Moston Builders shall contact the DCCTP to request removal of the bollards. Moston Builders shall be liable for all costs incurred by DCCTP in removing the bollards and reinstating the road. Similarly, Moston Builders shall request DCCTP to reinstate the bollards at the end of the road closure period. Moston Builders shall be liable for all costs incurred by DCCTP in reinstating the bollards and road.
  • A temporary STOP sign is to be erected at the south junction by DCCTP. Moston Builders shall contact the DCCTP and request erection of this sign. A temporary statutory order shall be completed by the DCCTP for this sign. Moston Builders shall be liable for all costs incurred by DCCTP. Similarly, Moston Builders shall request DCCTP to remove the temporary STOP sign at the end of the road closure period. Moston Builders shall be liable for all costs incurred by DCCTP in removing the STOP sign and reinstating the footpath.
  • The main site access is to be used for all deliveries to the site. The laneway on Darley’s Terrace is not to be used for any deliveries.
  • Working hours are to be restricted to 08.00 to 18.00, Monday to Friday.
  • Pedestrian access and local vehicular access is to be maintained at all times.

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