It can be hard to get rid of stuff that's building up in your house: unwanted gifts; appliances you never use; furniture that doesn't match the new wallpaper. But that doesn't mean you want to dump it. There are a lot of options for finding a good home for your unwanted stuff (and picking up new stuff):
Oxfam Home
Located at the Coombe end of Francis St, Oxfam Home takes in furniture, books and music, homeware and electrical items. All the money raised from selling your unwanted stuff goes straight back to Oxfam, who use it in their work in developing countries. Details on what you can donate and how are here.
Jumble Town is an online community for people to share unwanted items, and find wanted ones. It works as a forum where people post details of items that they're getting rid of, and receive replies from people offering to take them off their hands. You can require that people collect the item if you don't have access to a car.
Dublin Waste free trade, and Freecycle are other online forums that work in the same way as Jumbletown, and are also great ways to pick up things you never knew you needed! You can sign up to a regular email newsletter from freecycle that will keep you informed of interesting things available for free.
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